Say Happy New Year in 10 different languages

In French, say Bonne Année Pronounced: bon a-nay

In German, say Gutes Neues Jahr Pronounced: gutes neu-yis yar

In Spanish, say Feliz Año Nuevo Pronounced: feh-liz an-yoh n-way-vo

In Italian, say Buon anno Pronounced: boo-on ah-nno 

In Korean, say 새해 복 많이 받으세요 Pronounced: saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo

In Japanese, say 明けましておめでとう Pronounced: akemashite o-me de to gozaimasu

In Russian: say С Новым Годом! Pronounced: s novym godom

In Afrikaans, say Gelukkige Nuwejaar Pronounced: gha-likkikga-neeva-yaarr

In Swedish: say Gott Nytt År! Pronounced: goht nift o-r

In Portuguese, say Feliz Ano Novo Pronounced: feh-liz an-oh noh-voh

Budget-friendly places near Delhi-NCR to celebrate New Year's eve