India has evacuated over 550 people in 6 separate flights, some were from Kabul and some from Dushanbe. He also mentioned the number of India and...
The capital of Afghanistan, Kabul was shaken after Twin suicide bombs of Islamic State killed 72 civilians and 13 U.S. soldiers outside the gates of Kabul...
At an all-party meeting, convened by the Centre to discuss the prevailing situation in Afghanistan was held on Thursday, external affairs minister S Jaishankar said the...
Reports said Khan was reporting on poverty and unemployment in the city of Kabul. This exasperated the Taliban terrorists and they thrashed the Tolo journalist fiercely,...
The current acting President of Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh, has warned the Taliban not to enter the Panjshir Valley.
Asking the Centre to learn a lesson from the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief said that if the people...
Taliban took full control of Afghanistan on Sunday. After taking the control, Taliban has now issued their first Fatwa in which they have banned the co-education...
The Taliban on Sunday took full control of Afghanistan, and soon after people started rushing to the Kabul airport to flee from the country.
A confidential UN document seen by AFP said the Taliban has intensified the door-to-door search for people who worked or helped US and NATO forces, says...
The heightened activities of the proscribed Haqqani network justifies this growing anxiety, Jaishankar said at a high-level UNSC briefing on Threats to international peace and security...