Recently, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a death threat on social media in which the user said that all BJP vehicles will be attacked with RDX.
Owaisi also said that goli chalane vale ko javaab, ballot se denge, chunaav me denge (those who tried to shot me, will give reply to them...
The police reported that the FIR was lodged against two accused, namely Sachin and Shubhan, and they have been booked under section 307 (attempt to murder)...
Hitting out at Bhagwat, Owaisi comes up with a series of tweets on Monday to counter his attempt to cover up lynching in India and said...
At the end of the BJP's extremely polarised campaign, where it went after the AIMIM over Rohingyas, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Afghanis and what not, the people...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued notices in about 60 petitions challenging the validity of the Citizenship Act, but refused to stay the implementation of the...