The Bharat bandh called by Dalit organisations turned violent on Monday, April 2. Four persons were killed in Morena, Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh and violent protests...
Mudda panellists feel Dalit stir should not be allowed to get violent With parties getting ready for elections in 2109, the sizeable Dalit votebank has become the...
As the Congress and BJP continued to trade charges on unauthorised leak of data of users of their apps, the Congress pulled down its app from...
BJP: Rahul and his team has zero knowledge of technology Congress president Rahul Gandhi has alleged, on Sunday, that PM Narendra Modi’s app was leaking data of...
The 84th plenary two-day meet of the Congress began on Saturday with a full-on attack on BJP by the Congress president Rahul Gandhi who accused it...
Taking a tough emotional move Congress President Rahul Gandhi has said that he and his sister Priyanka Gandhi have “completely forgiven” his father Rajiv Gandhi’s killers....
Image highlights from around the world
Image highlights from around the world
Image highlights from around the world
The Congress on Thursday attacked Narendra Modi government for letting businessmen and corporates flee the country with public money. The case in point was that of...