Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) will contest elections in six states in next two years.
A brutal and horrific case of alleged gang rape reported in Ughaiti village of Badaun district on Sunday evening where a 50-year-old Anganwadi woman was assaulted,...
Earlier, Superintendent of Police Chakresh Mishra had said 25 people had been injured and that the head-on collision took place on the Agra-Moradabad road.
The woman, who is said to be Hindu, had come from Chandigarh with the man to be wed here. The man, Sonu Malik, is a resident...
The farmers agitated over the farm laws said on Wednesday that today's talks will be the last chance to call an emergency session and make amendments...
On Friday, journalist Rakesh Singh Nirbhik who used to work for a Lucknow-based newspaper Rashtriya Swaroop, along with his friend Pintu Sahu, 34 were found with...
A 20-second video shows a body is lying on a stretcher in an isolated area of the hospital and a stray dog is nibbling at it....
Thousands of farmers heading towards Delhi were stopped by security personnel posted by BJP-ruled Haryana which has barricades to avoid them from entering Delhi.
Chouhan said the gau cabinet will have officials of seven departments including animal husbandry, forests, panchayat and rural development, revenue, home, and farmers' welfare. He said...
Weeks after Karnataka, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Tuesday announced that a law against love jihad will be passed in...