A video circulating on social media shows Sandhu being confronted by pro-Khalistani elements at the gurudwara. In the video statements are being made by individuals about...
About 166 people were killed in these attacks which included foreign citizens, police personnel and civilians. More than 300 individuals were left wounded in the attacks....
The Indian army organized a wreath laying ceremony at the Army General Hospital Rajouri in which the General Officer Commanding Romeo force and other officers and...
Singh said there is a large conspiracy between Halal certification and business is not unfounded. He cited the example of the Uttar Pradesh government and urged...
The Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) founder also threatened people planning to travel through Air India airlines on November 19, claiming that their lives would be in...
Addressing the summit, Narendra Modi called for cooperation under the framework of five Cs - “consultation, communication, cooperation, creativity, capacity building”.
CM Gehlot asserted that the BJP has sensed defeat in the elections and are, hence, coming up with bizarre claims.
Eighteen countries abstained from the vote while seven countries including the United States and Canada opposed it.
Priyanka Gandhi stated that India abstaining from the UNGA vote goes against everything the country has stood for throughout its life as a nation.
With 120 countries voting in support, 14 voting against, and 45 abstaining, the resolution titled protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations was enacted.