As Christmas Eve arrives, excitement fills the air for families worldwide, eager to track Santa’s magical journey across the globe. Thanks to modern technology, families can...
The prime minister said that the principles are acting as a guiding light for his government's development efforts
Alia was by Ranbir's side as he held his 13-month-old daughter in his arms.
He asked people of the country to celebrate the spirit of harmony and compassion that Christmas symbolises and work towards a world where everyone is happy...
She gave a lovely view of her Christmas trees decorated with lights, hearts, and ornaments in a sequence of anecdotes.
Dunki is directed by Raj Kumar Hirani which is slated to release this year at Christmas.
A heart-melting video is doing rounds on the social media platform, where a tiny girl made a special wish from Santa Clause on Christmas to gift...
We have collated a list of films you can watch during this holiday season on Disney+Hotstar.
For this festival season, we have collated a list of films you can binge-watch on Netflix.
Congress also said that PM Modi is his own Santa, and this time his gift to himself is Central Vista Project that is worth Rs 20,000...