The SC on December 2 asked both centre and Delhi government to come up with an action plan for the poor air quality within 24 hours,...
only CNG and electric vehicles will be allowed to enter the city from November 27, and all petrol, diesel transport will be banned till December 3....
In order to control the air pollution in Delhi, which is becoming toxic with each day passing, the Aam Admi Party government on Wednesday passed an...
LIVE Top News Today: From the news that garnered attention today to big political updates, you will get your daily dose of the latest news here...
An emergency meeting will also take place between the Centre and states including Punjab and Haryana. The CJI also said that look at the issue by...
According to the government agencies, the Air Quality Index between 0-50 is considered good, air quality between 51-100 is considered as satisfactory and the air quality...
Top News Today: Happy Diwali from ours to yours! We are here, so we will be delivering big news of the day on our live blog,...
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday said that Delhi recorded the coldest morning of the season at 5.2 degree Celsius.
Delhi woke up to yet another cold morning on Wednesday with the minimum temperature dropping below 7 degree Celsius making it the coldest day in the...
Panelists say that war against pollution can be effective only if politics is left out of it APN ’s popular debate Mudda discussed the state of...