Kangana Ranaut’s highly anticipated film, “Emergency,” has finally graced cinemas after numerous delays, opening on Friday to notable acclaim and box office success. This film, marking...
“Emergency,” the biopic directed by and starring Kangana Ranaut, ambitiously sets out to depict the life of Indira Gandhi, one of India’s most formidable political figures....
Actress Kangana Ranaut, known for her bold statements and unconventional roles, has revealed that she invited Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to watch her upcoming film...
The Opposition party demanded that the actor-politician be expelled by the ruling party if it did not agree with her remarks.
She spoke about the "preservation of the traditional art forms of this land" and the indigenous construction technique known as "kath-kuni."
Ranaut is contesting from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi constituency, and has filed her nomination on May 14.
The Bollywood actor met Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in Himachal Pradesh’s Dharamshala and said it as one of the most memorable moments of her life.
Kangana Ranaut took to X and posted that she does not consume beef or any other kind of red meat. She said it is shameful that...
In a video circulating on social media, Ranaut referred to Bose’s significant contributions to India’s independence struggle, citing his leadership roles within the Indian National Congress...
The Election Commission asked the leaders to respond to the commission by Friday.