This decision comes in the aftermath of recent episodes of violence that resulted in the tragic deaths of five individuals across two separate incidents in Bishnupur...
According to the Bishnupur Police, numerous houses belonging to the Kuki community were set on fire, while three members of the Meitei group were slain.
The development comes today, July 31, as the bench headed by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud prepares to read the Ministry of Home Affairs' (MHA's)...
MPs from the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) today visited the relief camp at Don Bosco School in Manipur.
After resigning he addressed to media and said that very heavy heart he has resigned. He also said, the Manipur situation has damaged India.
The video went viral on social media, prompting the BSF to respond promptly upon receiving a complaint from the Imphal West district on July 20
Issuing a statement, Manipur Chief Secretary Vineet Joshi has asked the Assam Rifles to push back the Myanmar nationals.
On July 20, the Opposition demanded that Prime Minister Modi address the Manipur problem in the House, setting off the turbulent start to the Monsoon Session.
In Mizoram, there are a few thousand Meiteis who are primarily from Manipur and south Assam.
There have been several reports of arson, looting, violence, and mob buildup from different regions of the state.