In the upcoming episode, the contestants and challengers will battle out for the new captain in a new task. The contestants will be divided into teams...
In the latest promo, Vikas is seen telling Abhinav Shukla about Kavita Kaushik's husband’s allegation against him being an alcoholic and sending lewd messages to his...
While speaking to ETimes TV before entering the show, Sawant revealed that someone close to her cheated her and took away her properties and money.
As shown in the latest promo, Shah, Sawant and Gupta will be giving a reality check to the top four and busting their misconceptions about them
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Controversy queen Rakhi Sawant always remains in news for her reckless statements and she has made headlines once again after she gets slammed by a female...