Renowned entrepreneur and parenting idol, Harkirat Kaur Kukreja, 32, of Ludhiana and wife of well-known Sikh travel enthusiast, restaurateur, and philanthropist, Harjinder Singh Kukreja, is a...
O M A Salam is the Chairman of PFI. He is a social activist, societal interventionist and energetic change maker in the society who works with...
Romesh Shah, a social activist who has been a boon for people during the times of corona. These 18 months have been a very tough period...
Dr Mahamudul Islam Chowdhury, because of his excellent patient friendly approach as a doctor, helping nature for the poor people, hard work for spreading health awareness...
In efforts to restore, maintain and enhance the social functioning of individuals and families, Pramod Singh Jadaun, a well-known social worker and human rights activist, uses...