The video was shared on Monday morning. Within a few hours, the video has gained 207.4K views. Along with 763 retweets, nearly 5,020 people liked the...
The video was shared on Instagram by Belgium-based digital creator Ed People.
Sharing the video, the Twitter user questioned the type of reporting.
Sharing the video, RPF India wrote that sharp instincts and alertness of RPF Head Constable Subhas Kumar saved a lady passenger from a perilous situation at...
The video shows that the goons were in a desperate attempt to stop the car. However, as yet the real reason is known to none.
An Instagram page named Live For Food shared a video on the social media platform which showed a street food vendor making moong dal veggie pizza.
The conductor, who was on duty, replied with a smile saying he is allowed to wear skullcap while on duty.
In the 9 second video clip, two kittens could be seen sitting on a table which is placed in a garden.
In the video Vishwanathan Anand is seen ordering a Subway sandwich.
The PVR Cinemas has now introduced discounts and has slashed the prices for several food items and beverages.