Former Bihar MLA Anant Singh surrendered to a Barh court on Friday, facing charges related to a shootout on the outskirts of Patna. The incident, which occurred Wednesday evening, involved an alleged attack on Singh’s convoy by the notorious Sonu-Monu gang. The ensuing exchange of gunfire, according to eyewitness accounts, involved a significant volume of shots – estimates ranging from 60 to 70 rounds, though police reported a lower figure of 16-17.
Remarkably, Singh escaped unharmed. Following his surrender, he was remanded to Beur jail. Patna Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Awkash Kumar confirmed the surrender and the filing of three separate FIRs concerning the incident.
The shootout unfolded amidst a backdrop of escalating tensions in Mokama, a region with a history of violent crime and political rivalry. The involvement of the Sonu-Monu gang, known for its criminal activities, added a layer of complexity to the already volatile situation.
Singh’s supporters retaliated to the initial attack, leading to the intense exchange of gunfire that gripped the area. The incident underscores the deep-seated power struggles and lawlessness that persist in certain parts of Bihar.
Adding to the escalating tension, another shooting incident was reported on Friday in Hamza village, under the jurisdiction of Panchmahal police station in Mokama. Three spent cartridges were found near Mukesh Singh’s house, prompting an immediate investigation.
Senior police officials were deployed to the scene to assess the situation and gather evidence. The timing and location of this second incident suggest a possible connection to the previous day’s events, raising concerns about further escalation of violence.
Police have apprehended two suspects, Sonu and Roushan, in connection with Wednesday’s shooting. Investigations suggest that the Sonu-Monu gang specifically targeted Mukesh Singh, a former associate of the gang who had allegedly sought protection and assistance from Anant Singh. This suggests a complex network of allegiances and betrayals within the criminal underworld of Mokama.
Anant Singh, a controversial figure with a history of both political success and criminal accusations, has been a prominent figure in Mokama’s political landscape for years. His past includes a conviction in 2020 related to the recovery of an AK-47 rifle and other weapons from his ancestral home, resulting in his disqualification from the assembly.
However, he was acquitted of these charges in August 2024. His wife, a former MLA, recently shifted her political allegiance from the RJD to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s JD(U), further complicating the political dynamics of the region.