The Marathi New Year, also known as Gudi Padwa, is an auspicious festival observed every year on the first day of the Chaitra month. This year it will be celebrated on April 2. It also marks the beginning of Maharashtra’s harvest season, which is celebrated with zest and enthusiasm. People get up early on this day to clean their houses, bathe, and create magnificent rangoli decorations for their front gates.
On Gudi Padwa, here are wishes, messages, and greetings that you can send to your friends, family and colleagues.
Gudi Padwa 2022: Wishes
On this auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa, May you be endowed with Happiness, Health & Wealth. Happy Gudi Padwa!
A new hope, a new beginning, a new dream is waiting to unfold. May this New Year brings your way, millions of joys unheard – untold.
Celebrate the auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa amidst fanfare and religious favor. May the day bestow on you and your family members. My best wishes to you.
On this special occasion, let us make a resolution to spread love and happiness all around us. Happy Gudi Padwa.
Praying that this New Year brings endless joys and new hopes into your life. Happy Gudi Padwa!
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Gudi Padwa 2022: Messages
May this Gudi Padwa bless you and your family with health, wealth, and success and lead you to the path of peace and blissful happiness. Happy Gudi Padwa.
Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Gudi Padwa and a Happy New Year with a plenty of Peace and Prosperity.
Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger lets keep it up. Best Wishes for Gudi Padwa.
Raw mangoes, neem, and jaggery represent the sour, bitter, and sweet flavours of life. May the flavours of Gudi fill your life in the coming year. Happy Gudi Padwa!
This Gudi Padwa, may your enemies become friends, the darkness of negativity fade away from your life, and you discover a new person within you. Happy Gudi Padwa!
Gudi Padwa 2022: Greetings
Every day of every year, may God bless you with health and cheer, never go far always be near. These are my wishes for you dear. Happy Gudi Padwa 2022.
On this auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa, May you be endowed with Happiness, Health & Wealth. Happy Gudi Padwa!
May this festival bring you a new spirit, a new beginning, and new prosperity. Wishing you a very Happy Gudi Padwa!
A new hope, a new beginning, a new dream is waiting to unfold. May this Gudi Padwa bring your way millions of joys unheard
Today is a new day, adorned with new hopes, new plans, and new missions.
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