There are 12 zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology. Each zodiac sign is governed by a different planet. If we arrange our days according to astrological prophecies, it will be beneficial to all of us.
Check the astrological horoscope for February 4, 2022, to see whether the stars are on your side:
It’s possible that you’ll have some ups and downs at work today! You may feel energised at times, ready to face any challenges you face. Other times, you may feel weak and unable of doing everyday tasks.
Lucky Number: 8, Lucky Colour: Grey
Today, there may be conflict owing to differences of opinion or competing priorities. As quarrels are expected to be resolved, love and passion are likely to return to couples. Don’t let chances pass you by! You have strong health and enough energy to participate in activities.
Lucky Number: 2, Lucky Colour: Brown
You will maintain a sense of perspective and will be able to deal with a variety of difficulties with ease and quickly. You’re sensitive, so don’t take things too personally! In partnerships, you must be empathetic.
Lucky Number: 5, Lucky Colour: Maroon
Take it easy. While your job is safe, you’ve been feeling uneasy because of others’ expectations. Don’t second-guess your choices. Money will flow in your direction. For the deity, old flames may resurface.
Lucky Number: 4, Lucky Colour: Black
Make your job more efficient. While work will take precedence today, you will need to take it easy in order to satisfy your family’s expectations. If not, someone may be dissatisfied, which can lead to unnecessary drama.
Lucky Number: 9, Lucky Colour: White
Today, you’re filled with a sweeping sense of splendour. You may succeed without putting too much pressure on yourself. Personal interactions are likely pleasurable and rewarding, therefore you are received with delight. There may be a comfortable feeling of what’s going on around you, but you will still be conscious of what’s going on.
Lucky Number: 1, Lucky Colour: Purple
Today, harmonious adjustments may provide enjoyment as well as release from strain and concern. Before you achieve balance within and steadiness outside, you are likely to experience mood swings and gain and loss. Breaks and pleasant adjustments allow you to replenish your energy.
Lucky Number: 6, Lucky Colour: Violet
Everything you need to be happy and luxurious is right at your fingertips right now! Keep an eye on your inner and exterior equilibrium when you give in to pleasure. As changes loom, professional accomplishment is tempered with fear. Take care not to overindulge.
Lucky Number: 2, Lucky Colour: Pink
While some individuals are creative, others are hostile. You should keep an eye on your pocketbook and consider twice before making any impulsive decisions, especially financial ones.
Lucky Number: 7, Lucky Colour: Grey
Any financial commitment may be on the verge of expanding out of proportion to the initial goal. Only through brutal root cutting can you ensure that possibly growing expenditures are avoided.
Lucky Number: 3, Lucky Colour: Blue
Your happiness is still in the hands of your partners and loved ones. Furthermore, recent unexpected events at work do not appear to have shaken your confidence.
Lucky Number: 4, Lucky Colour: Yellow