Phulera Dooj is a festival dedicated to Lord Krishna. This festival comes on Dwitiya tithi of the Shukla Paksha during the Falgun month of the Hindu calendar. On this day, special events are organized in various temples of Lord Krishna. From this day, a celebration of Radha Holi also known as Brij Holi begins. Its main celebration is held at Thakur Radha Vallabh Lal temple in Vrindavan.
Phulera Dooj 2022: Shubh Muhurat
This celebration occurs on Dwitiya tithi in the dark phase or Sukla Paksha of Falgun month, according to the Hindu calendar.
Starts at 9:36 pm on March 3 and ends at 8:45 pm on March 4, 2022.
Phulera Dooj 2022: Rituals
Devotees worship Lord Krishna on this day. There is a Holi ritual in which devotees play Holi with flowers with the deity.
On this day, special celebrations are held in Lord Krishna temples. Lord Krishna’s idol is dressed in a white garba and seated beneath a colourful, flowering creeper-decorated mandap.
A gulal-tied cloth is also tied around the deity’s waist. It is removed at night after Shayan Bhog.
On this day, a special Bhog is cooked for the deity. The prasad is distributed among the worshippers after it has been offered to Lord Krishna.
The main rituals of the day are Sandhya Aarti and Samaj mein rasiya. Devotees spend the day chanting Lord Krishna bhajans.
As a sign of welcoming Holi, colours are also applied to Lord Krishna’s idols. The temple priests sprinkle gulal on all devotees at the end of the ceremony.
Phulera Dooj 2022: Katha
It is said that Radharani and the Gopis were once angered at Krishna. They were furious because Lord Krishna could not come to meet them because he was preoccupied. When Lord Krishna learned that the Gopis and Radharani were upset because he had not met them, he travelled to Barsana to meet them and they showered flowers on each other and started celebrating Holi in this way. The day when Holi of flowers was played was Falgun Shukla Dwitiya. Phulera Dooj also started from this day. Since then Holi of flowers is played on this day every year. Falgun Shukla Dwitiya was the day when flower Holi was played. Phulera Dooj also started from this day. Since then, every year on this day, Holi of Flowers is being played.