Hindenburg Research on Monday hit back at the Adani Group, day after the business house dubbed the New York-based firm’s report as “calculated attack on India.”,
Investments in mutual funds are great options for investors to diversify their portfolios and benefit from the stock market. For investing directly in the stock market,...
The Washington Post is reportedly up for sale as billionaire Jeff Bezos is rumored to sell the left-leaning newspaper in order to finance his plans to...
In the latest series of layoffs by major tech giants, Google parent company Alphabet Inc. is cutting 12,000 jobs, a report said on Friday.
According to the company, affected employees will get a cash reimbursement during the next three to six months which will be based on their tenure and...
Google-backed social media startup ShareChat has fired 20 percent of its workforce, around 600 employees. Reports said that during the last few days, ShareChat parent, Bangalore-based...
Are you looking for a way to ensure that your future is secure and stress-free? A term insurance plan could be the answer. The best term...
According to statistics, the number of people using digital payments is anticipated to increase by 5.4% annually in 2020. Even if this growing trend is still...
Kerala-born Krishnakumar died due to a cardiac arrest at 6 pm in his Mumbai residence.
Mother Dairy has stated that the increase in the cost of raw milk from dairy farmers is a reason for the hike in milk prices.