Thalaivii is a biopic of actor-turned-politician and former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa, portrayed by Kangana Ranaut. Directed by AL Vijay, the film is...
Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday paid tribute to Tamil Nadu former Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa's memorial. Kangana's upcoming film Thalaivii will hit the silver screens...
Thalaivii is a biopic of Tamil Nadu’s former chief minister and actor J Jayalalithaa, portrayed by Kangana Ranaut. The film revolves around the life of the...
On Rishi Kapoor's 69th birth anniversary, wife Neetu Kapoor in an interview with senior film journalist and filmmaker Khalid Mohamed for The Quint remembered the good...
Rishi and Neetu met on a film set and worked on many successful films together eventually falling in love. After dating for a while the superstar...
Rishi Kapoor can be heard saying that his father Raj Kapoor came to his mother and asked her permission to cast Chintu (Rishi Kapoor's pet name)...
Taking to Instagram, Riddhima shared a throwback picture of her with Rishi from childhood days along with a heartfelt post. In the picture, Riddhima and Rishi...
On the occasion of Rishi Kapoor's birth anniversary today, Farhan Akhtar has unveiled the look of the late actor from his last film SharmaJi Namkeen.
Pankaj Tripathi made his Bollywood debut in 2004 with a small role in the film Run featuring Abhishek Bachchan and Bhumika Chawla. He also played a...
The action-thriller is directed by Cate Shortland with the mean lead, Scarlett Johansson has again will be seen in her Russian spy agent character alongside David...