Adding one more feather to her cap, Pannu has launched her production house named Outsiders Films on Thursday. The 33-year-old actress also shared the name of...
The film is produced under the banner of Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films in association with Jio Studios. Mimi is based on the Marathi film Mala Aai...
Directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya, the film is inspired by the journey of IAF Squadron leader Vijay Karnik, who was in charge of the Bhuj airport, and...
The much-awaited teaser of Bhuj: The Pride of India starring Ajay Devgn, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjay Dutt, and Nora Fatehi is finally out.
Actor Emraan Hashmi took to social media to tease fans with his epic physical transformation. The 42-year-old actor is gearing up for the role of antagonist...
Helmed by War fame Siddharth Anand, Fighter will be produced by Viacom 18 Studios, Mamta Anand, Ramon Chibb and Anku Pande.
After a long hiatus from the spotlight, actor Esha Deol Takhtani is all set to make her debut into the digital space in the upcoming crime-drama...
Mimi is produced under the banner of Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films in association with Jio Studios. Mimi is based on the Marathi film Mala Aai Vhaaychy...
Screenwriter and filmmaker Kumar Ramsay, eldest of the Ramsay Brothers, passed away on Thursday at his residence in Mumbai. He was 85.
Fondly known as 'tragedy king of Bollywood, the veteran actor Dilip Kumar died on Wednesday at Hinduja hospital in Mumbai. He was 98.