As Christmas Eve arrives, excitement fills the air for families worldwide, eager to track Santa’s magical journey across the globe. Thanks to modern technology, families can...
As the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close with the sighting of the crescent moon and the month-long fasting from sunrise to sunset comes...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his wishes on the occasion of Easter on Sunday and expressed his hope that the message of renewal and optimism associated...
Good Friday is celebrated as the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Devotees attend church services on Good Friday and observe fasting, abstinence, readings centred...
People on this day remember and pay tribute to all the valiant warriors who fought to protect our country and sacrificed their lives during the Indian...
Google Doodle today features the artistic vision of Iranian guest artist Pendar Yousefi. Yousefi’s creation takes inspiration from childhood memories of Nowruz which evokes joy, togetherness...
During this festival devotees make offerings to the Hindu diety Surya on Makar Sankranti. This day marks the first day of the sun’s transit into the...