West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar has given the CBI permission to prosecute erstwhile Trinamool Congress leaders, Firhad Hakim, Madan Mitra, Subrata Mukherjee, and former TMC and...
Before this consignment, the Serum Institute had supplied 3 lakh doses to kick-start the drive on May 1, while Bharat Biotech had given 4.79 lakh Covaxin...
80 doctors who have contracted coronavirus, 12 are now admitted to the hospital for treatment while the rest of the doctors who are Covid positive are...
Azam Khan has tested positive for Covid-19, and has moderate symptoms, Medanta Hospital (Lucknow) Director Dr Rakesh Kapoor told news agency PTI.
Union Labour Minister Santosh Gangwar has written a letter to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday, stating series of issues including oxygen shortage, black marketing of...
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) on Saturday said tankers and containers carrying liquid medical oxygen (LMO) are exempted from user fee at toll plazas...
This was Banerjee's third letter to PM Modi - since being sworn in for a third term on Wednesday - on the Covid crisis in the...
The BJP won a second straight term in the recently concluded assembly polls in the state. The party won 60 seats in the 126-member Assam assembly...
During a virtual briefing on Sunday, Kejriwal said he has already spoken with many traders, women, youths before extending the lockdown. He said people believes lockdown...
India on Saturday has witnessed 4,01,078 fresh Covid-19 cases and 4.14 lakh covid cases on Friday.