The 46-year-old actor had last year contested from the Mumbai North Lok Sabha constituency on a Congress ticket. Later, she quit the party, a key ally...
To mark the 551st birth anniversary of Guru Nanak, Trudeau, in an online event, said the news coming out of India about the protest by farmers....
On Friday, journalist Rakesh Singh Nirbhik who used to work for a Lucknow-based newspaper Rashtriya Swaroop, along with his friend Pintu Sahu, 34 were found with...
Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar have arrived at the residence of BJP chief JP Nadda, to hold a meeting over...
Over 74 lakh eligible voters are set to decide the fate of more than 1,100 candidates in the polls that took place today from 7am. Union...
Stephane Bancel, the chief executive officer of the company, said the Moderna vaccine would provide a new and powerful tool that may change the course of...
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday met Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar for the second time in less than 24 hours as protesting farmers rejected...
The meeting comes in the backdrop of India's Covid-19 cases count that crossed the mark of 94 lakhs on Monday. This is the second all party...
Matondkar can turn out to be an additional resource for the Shiv Sena to put out its messages on a national level. Party sources said Matondkar...
The top BJP leaders held talks about the protesting farmers who are agitated over the Centre's three contentious farm laws. The meeting came after the farmers...