In 3 Idiots, R Madhavan played Farhan Qureshi, a student of Imperial College of Engineering in Delhi, who eventually left engineering to become a photographer. In...
The day traces its existence to the Universal Declaration on Democracy, adopted on September 15, 1997, by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in which it had felt...
The people who know Hindi grew at an average rate of 1.5%. Considering the pace, the number of Hindi speakers would have increased to about 8...
Delhi Markets: Here are some of the markets that can hype you up with its collection. So have a look at these markets that you need...
Believe it or not, but body hair removal is a huge task. When it comes to hair removal, there is a major issue for both men...
Grandparents' Day is celebrated on September 12 every year. This day is observed to cherish the bond that we share with our grandparents.
Monsoons always bring a sense of celebration of elation and comfort. But, this celebration does not last long and we often end up falling sick. The...
Are you washing your hair the right way? If not, so here are some steps that can help you understand the correct way to use the...
Having healthy hair is surely a dream, given the humidity and pollution, healthy hair seems like a dream that would never come true. As you know...
If you have witnessed ridges, dents and discolouration in your Fingernails then that means they are not in good condition. Here are some dos and don'ts...