RPF India shared the CCTV footage of the whole incident on its official Twitter handle, where it applauded the officers who took the risk of their...
Re-registration is only available for existing candidates who are required to apply for the next semester or year.
Shehnaaz Gill will soon mark her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan starrer, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.
Police said that the principal, Ram Singh Verma, was shot twice. He was referred to a Lucknow hospital for treatment. The doctors confirmed that the bullet...
He is survived by his mother, elder brother, sister and a young niece.
Jhulan Goswami played her last match at Lords and met by a guard of honour, formed by the entire England fielding team, the umpires and her...
Once in a lifetime, there comes a time in everyone’s lives when people have to make the toughest decision, no matter how heartbreaking it is. That...
The latest development of the case reveals that the police have examined her WhatsApp chats in which she had told her friends that the resort owners...
Weeks ago a video from Bihar's two coaching girls punching and thrashing each other on streets in the Chappra district over a boyfriend had gone crazy...
The farmers accused that the Gujarat government had promised about Rs 500 crore assistance for their cows, but none of the cowsheds got a single rupee....