Manish Malhotra also shared the clip of Radhike and wrote “Beautiful Radhika Merchant, Radiant and Stunning Bride.”
The four-day celebration starts with traditional Hindu wedding rituals like haldi, mehndi, and sangeet and will be followed by a magnificent reception over the weekend.
Users are calling for a quick response against people responsible for such rampant flouting of the law.
The SpiceJet employee is currently being taken into custody, and an FIR for sexual harassment has been filed against CISF officer Prasad.
When farmers opposed her, Manorama Khedkar reached that place with their security guards and assaulted them.
There are lots of options for the residents of Jaipur to file their complaints on different issues in the city.
A Zomato Gold membership for 6 months at just Rs 30.
Ananya Panday's cousin, Alanna Panday, recently welcomed her first child with husband Ivor McCray, and now the actor has expressed her happiness over the new addition...
Abhishek Sharma reached his century with 3 consecutive sixes, scoring his first 50 runs in 33 balls and his next 50 in just 13 deliveries.
Justin Bieber’s energetic performance on Friday was the highlight of the sangeet ceremony, which took place at the Nita Ambani Convention Centre in Bandra, Mumbai.