Kishore, who is known for playing prominent roles in the web series The Family Man: Season 1 and She, was highly active on the social media...
The autopsy was done by a board of doctors at Maulana Azad Medical College and was expected to be submitted to the police on Tuesday.
The singers have now shared a new poster of their music video, in which the two are seen posing romantically as they touch head with head.
According to reports, the man had visited the man going to meet his married friend while her husband was out of town. The locals had protested...
A video is doing rounds on the social media platform Twitter, where a student ditched answering questions in the exam, instead, he wrote lyrics from one...
"I know you know how to get out of such situations. It's a challenge and you will bounce back, you've done this before. Hope to see...
The man, after being slapped, can be seen collapsing to the ground as someone from behind asks the policeman why he is turning to violence. The...
In the video, it can be seen that no one around came forward to stop the animal from entering the hospital premises.
According to reports, the two men who can be seen dancing in the viral video have been identified as Janil Mehta, who is from India, and...
Recently, Ajay Devgn met Rohit Shetty ahead of the reading of Singham Again and said that it's script is fire.