On a bail bond of Rs 50,000, special judge Shailendra Malik granted the actor temporary relief from the deep questioning in this matter.
Reports said that the local police in charge also abused the minor victim and her mother when they went to the police station.
DCW said the boy is admitted to LNJP hospital and his health is critical.
Sharing an image of this incident a Twitter user wrote that the delivery had to be done on the road due to labour pain.
The Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 12 was shot in Cape Town, South Africa.
The bride's family became furious upon seeing a large turnout of guests at a wedding, many of whom appeared to be strangers.
Due to continuous rain in Madhya Pradesh, the dry soil of the road turned into mud, so the truck got stuck in that mud.
Reports said that the incident happened at Sirauna village under Shikarganj police station of Motihari district.
The CUET (PG) 2022 NTA Score will only be accepted for admission to the 2022–2023 academic year.
Demanding an FIR in this matter, the female student said that when she went to the police they refused to file an FIR in this matter....