Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma has resumed work after giving birth to her daughter Vamika. She is currently shooting for the biopic of Jhulan Goswami, titled as...
A video is doing rounds on the internet where a cute group of kids from Ladakh singing Prateek Kuhad and Ankur Tewari's popular song Dil Beparvah....
Cricket audience will now witness the Indian Women cricket team playing for different team along with IPL. The women’s T20 Challenge will begin from May 23...
Wheat prices climbed to a record high on Monday after India restricted the export of the commodity. The spike, exacerbated by fertilizer shortages and poor harvests,...
Comedian Bharti Singh hit headlines on Monday after one of her jokes went wrong. Singh is receiving a massive backlash from the Sikh community on social...
Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal is celebrating his 34th birthday with wife Katrina Kaif in New York. Katrina shared some pictures from their celebration on Instagram.
For her latest photoshoot, Shehnaaz aced the all-black leather look with bold red lipsticks.
Amazon has come up with a mega summer days sale for you to say goodbye to the scorching heat. The company is offering huge discounts on...
Indian Men's Badminton team created history by beating 14-time champions, Indonesia to win the Thomas Cup for first time in 73 years.
A fan of South Superstar Prabhas has threatened to end his life if there’s no movie update. The fan wrote a suicide letter and in no...