Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Wednesday honored couple Bomman and Belli, who featured in the Tamil-language documentary The Elephant Whispers, which won India's first...
The TTE was also accused of trying to touch the woman passenger and abusing her.
Ruckus erupted outside the Kerala Assembly today as Opposition MLAs of the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF), staged a protest outside the Speaker’s office and had...
In a tragic incident, a seven-year-old boy died after being rescued from a borewell in Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, reports said on Wednesday.
Separate flats were also given to both the wives in Gurugram itself so that he can live with both of them peacefully.
The pee-gate scandals are seemingly moving from buses and Airplanes to trains now as a drunk ticket collector was arrested for allegedly urinating on a sleeping...
Members of right-wing outfit Hindu Munnani among four persons have been arrested and remanded to judicial custody for allegedly attacking migrant workers in Coimbatore city of...
BJP MP’s, Tuesday, created a commotion in the Lok Sabha demanding an apology from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his remarks in the United Kingdom following...
A five-judge Constitution bench will decide upon legalizing same-sex marriages in India on April 18 and proceedings of the hearing will be streamed live as the...
Punjab Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains will wed IPS officer Jyoti Yadav later this month, according to party sources.