On Thursday morning, Delhi's air quality was recorded as severe. However, because of the possibility of somewhat improving weather, a minor improvement is anticipated shortly before Diwali.
As per the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, metro train services will start from 6:00 am onwards on all lines and sections and from 4:45 am on...
The Delhi government has issued an order stating that only taxis with the Delhi registration number will be permitted to operate in the city.
A statement from the government noted that the winter break for the session 2023-24 is ordered to be preponed to ensure that schools can be totally...
Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai has convened a high-level meeting at the Secretariat at 12 noon on Wednesday.
Vicky Kaushal posted a video of his visit to the Sarva Dharma Sthal, a holy place of worship for all major religions practised by nearly all Army units...
The data from the Central Pollution Control Board shows that Delhi's air quality index increased by more than 200 points between October 27 and November 3
Delhi environment minister Gopal Rai has written a letter to Union Minister Bhupender Yadav, urging him to prohibit the entry of vehicles not compliant with BS-VI...
Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said that it is wrong to think that Delhi government alone can control pollution completely.
At 7 am today, the air quality index (AQI) for Pusa and the Delhi University region was 311 and 391, respectively, indicating very poor conditions.