In a promo, it can be seen Akshay pulling Kapil's leg and blaming him for jinxing his luck. He held the comedian responsible for his film's...
The case has been registered by Sai USA Inc against Kapil Sharma for not performing in one of the six cities during North America tour in...
The Kapil Sharma Show has currently taken a break and is jetting off on a Canada tour to entertain the audience overseas.
The Kapil Sharma Show on Sony TV will be taken off the air for an indefinite period of time. The difficulty of host Kapil Sharma to...
The 40-year-old comedian was hailing the new chief minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann for his efforts. But what came in between was a reply from a...
The biopic will be titled Funkaar and to be helmed by Fukrey director Mrighdeep Singh Lamba.
Former TV actress and current Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani was denied entry at the Kapil Sharma Show. The Women and Child Development Minister was supposed...
Kaun Banega Crorepati is one of the longest-running quiz shows on national television. Recently, comedy king Kapil Sharma and actor-turned-philanthropist Sonu Sood graced the show hosted...
The Kapil Sharma Show has yet again landed in legal trouble. An FIR has been filed against the comedy show, hosted by Kapil Sharma, in the...
Onions, more accurately the spiraling price of onions has been the subject of memes and jokes online and offline as well. From jokes it is fast...