The chef of the hotel identified as Raja Sheik, upon witnessing what was transpiring, jumped in to save the woman from the sexual assault of the...
In the video, a bus driver can be seen giving out packets of snacks such as biscuits, cakes and more to the kids on the streets....
In the video, a boy can be seen helping her mother in selling balloons as the boy pumps the air into the balloon for them to...
After the incident came to the fore, State Health Minister Veena George ordered a probe into the matter as she said, while speaking to the media,...
The video also shows a relative joining in with the bride to groove and play another instrument, the Chenda players can also be seen happily accommodating...
According to custom dusty officer, 4 capsules of gold in compound form concealed inside his body were recovered and seized.
On September 16, Mahsa Amini’s custodial killing by the Iran's morality police in Tehran sparked massive protests across the country. Reports said Mahsa Amini was taken...
According to the medical examination, the doctors determined that internal bleeding was the cause of Arshad's demise.
The actor also alleged that the 3 dogs were poisoned while the workers of the dog shelter went out for some work. The Actor in another...
The remains of a deceased woman, who disappeared last month, will be excavated and sent to forensic specialists