Social media has been abuzz with rumors that Indian cricketer Rinku Singh has gotten engaged to Lok Sabha MP Priya Saroj. However, these reports have been...
Aparajita Sarangi, Rajdeep Roy, Sumedhanand Saraswati, Preneet Kaur, Vinod Sonkar, and Hemant Godse supported the adoption of the report.
The notification, issued by the Secretary General of the Lok Sabha Utpal Singh, stated that Faizal's membership has been restored keeping in view the order passed...
The DAC has issued a show-cause notice to her and asked her to explain within 3 days why she should not be expelled from the party.
Mohan Delkar, an independent MP from Dadra and Nagar Haveli, was found dead at a hotel in Mumbai's Marine drive on Monday.
The 18-day monsoon session of Parliament began on Monday with strict Covid-19 protocols in place despite which 17 Lok Sabha MPs tested positive for the virus...