According to reports, the stone pelting incident escalated after a man named Salman Khan, performed Motorcycle stunts when another man objected to it and confronted him...
A terrifying incident has been reported from Madhya Pradesh, where a huge poisonous cobra got stuck inside a student’s school bag. According to the media reports,...
The Panchayat secretary also added that after the incident on Saturday, Thakur with his entourage again reached the Dalit man’s home and attacked him on Sunday.
The teacher posted pictures on social media on Friday in which the girl, whom he asked to take off her uniform, was seen only in her...
All the three accused - Rahul Rajput, Ankit Bhat and Ishu Malviya - were arrested
According to the reports, the bus was travelling from Indore to Pune.
It is said that the MLA beat up the supervisor over the bad quality of materials used in the overhead tank.
The accused man who was seen thrashing him has been identified as Dinesh Kushwaha. The police have registered a case against him under section 302 of...
The man who allegedly brandished a sword during violence at the Ram Navami celebration that took place last month has been arrested.
Madhya Pradesh Congress leader and former Chief Minister Kamal Nath said that he demands from the government that strict action be taken against the culprits by...