In a heartwarming and private ceremony, former Olympic javelin champion Neeraj Chopra has revealed his marriage to Himani Mor, a rising tennis star. The announcement came...
Already a gold medalist at the Olympics, World Championships, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, Asian Championships, Junior World Championships and a Diamond League trophy winner, the Indian...
After researching Laureus, Neeraj became interested in the athlete-led organisation that honours the transformative potential of sport.
Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal in the same event at the Asian Games in Jakarta in 2018.
He also said, that now, he has to concentrate on Eugene's Diamond League finals which are on September 17, followed by the Asian Games in (Hangzhou), which begin on...
The note mentioned that the drivers and riders are not Neeraj Chopra’s javelin and hence crossing the white lines will not get them points or medals.
Neeraj became the first Indian to win gold at the World Athletics Championships, and he won hearts with numerous gestures both during and after the competition.
PM Modi took to social media to convey his heartfelt congratulations to Neeraj. He praised Neeraj's exceptional qualities, describing him as a true exemplar of excellence.
He showed tremendous skill by throwing brilliantly on his second attempt, measuring 88.17 metres, sealing his victory in the competition.
Although India has had several outstanding athletic accomplishments in the past, no one has ever been as easily placed on the podium as the superstar javelin...