The BJP has prepared a basic list for the post of Deputy CM, in which, the names of Swatantra Dev Singh, Baby Rani Maurya, Brijesh Pathak...
Sawant met Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai at the Raj Bhavan and submitted his resignation and has been appointed the caretaker chief minister for now.
Kuleba also accused Russia of violating ceasefire agreements and appealed to the former to stop the fire and allow civilians and foreign students to evacuate from...
The Russian troops in Ukraine are continuing with their military operation. Russia continues with its bombardments in the country despite facing isolation on the world stage.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday accused the Congress of encouraging separatism in Manipur rather than focusing on development work in the northeastern state.
The first phase of the Manipur assembly election has started at 7 am and will conclude at 4 pm on Monday. It will cover 38 seats...
Looks like, Kili and Neema Paul are not just popular on Instagram as recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi also praised them in the recent Mann Ki...
Despite the fact that Modi is an MP from Uttar Pradesh, he says that the Samajwadi Party refused to allow him to work for the people...
The helicopter row began on Monday when Channi's helicopter was not allowed to take off from Chandigarh's Rajendra Park as no fly zone protocol was in...
In the interview, PM Modi talked about several things including decision of repeling farm laws, upcoming election, corruption, and how he thinks he won the heart...