Actress Kangana Ranaut, known for her bold statements and unconventional roles, has revealed that she invited Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to watch her upcoming film...
On the last leg of his campaign for Telangana, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi interacted with auto drivers, gig workers and sanitary workers at Mahmood Paradise function...
Madhya Pradesh Congress chief Kamal Nath on Tuesday said if the Congress party came to power, it will get a caste census done to ensure justice...
Rahul Gandhi posted on X former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh Ji’s economic upliftment of the masses, unwavering commitment to nation building and integrity will always...
Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday, began her election campaign for Madhya Pradesh by offering prayers on the banks of river Narmada in Jabalpur along...
Priyanka Gandhi, in her address, while praising the Congress workers for their commitment toward the party also said that the workers need to spread the message...
The direction of the use of anti-encroachment drives was issued on January 7, after Commissioner Secretary of the Revenue Department, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, instructed all deputy...
Reports suggest that the Haath se Haath Jodo campaign will be kicked of by Congress General secretary Piryanka Gandhi Vadra and the initial phase will target...
She added that she wanted to meet all those people who had helped her in getting release from the jail and in coming out of the...
Vadra added that these were the scams mushrooming under the BJP rule and that this party BJP can make everything possible for the industrialists but there...