Superintendent of Police Jalaun, Ravi Kumar informed the cop has been suspended with immediate effect and that the investigation is underway.
The United States woman used an inversion table at the Powerhouse Gym in Berea, Ohio, that is open 24 hours.
The doctor on duty informed that the student sustained severe injuries on his head and was bleeding inside the cerebellum.
The incident happened on Sunday morning at the TASMAC outlet near Gummidipoondi in Tamil Nadu.
The police took him to the hospital after he complained of uneasiness in police custody and died during treatment, said Bhagwat Singh Virde, superintendent of police,...
All the three accused - Rahul Rajput, Ankit Bhat and Ishu Malviya - were arrested
The comment section of the 5-days old video is now filled with heart and love emojis and cute comments.
In the video, the vendor sings in a unique style and tells the cost of his food items to the customers.
A similar incident took place in May this year wherein a middle-aged man passed away while dancing with two women at a party.
Few months back, a Delhi traffic police official was assaulted in full public view