Platform: Zee5Genre: DramaDirector: Ashwni Dhir In Ashwni Dhir’s latest directorial venture, Hisaab Barabar, the central theme revolves around a common man taking on an unjust system—an...
As the weekend draws near, OTT platforms are serving up an exciting variety of new content to keep you entertained. With genres ranging from lighthearted romantic...
The film which was released in theaters on January 19, 2024, is now ready for its digital debut.
The action drama surpassed Salman Khan's previous hits, Antim and Radhe, in terms of viewership on release day in 2023 and quickly rose to the top...
The film, which also has Venkatesh, Jagapati Babu, and Pooja Hegde in key roles, earned over Rs 100 crore at the box office.