At a recent event, Karan Johar discussed Kangana Ranaut’s next film Emergency. On Monday, during an interview, Karan was asked to name a political event that he would like to see in a movie. Karan said, Emergency is being made, and I am excited to watch it.
Released in November 2023, Emergency stars Kangana as former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Kangana has since responded to Karan’s remarks regarding the movie.
In response to Karan Johar’s recent remark regarding Kangana’s film, a user taking a jibe at him wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, Really? Heart change. Ha ha last time, when he said he was excited to see Manikarnika, the worst smear campaign of my life was unleashed upon me on its releasing weekend, Kangana wrote in response to his tweet.
Almost all important actors working on the film were bribed to smear me and damage the film, Kangana Ranaut continued. She also said in her tweet, suddenly the most successful weekend of her life was converted into a living nightmare for her. She concluded by saying, he’s excited again, and it’s making her very scared.
One of the most outspoken actors, Kangana Ranaut is known for speaking about matters without holding up. She never holds back from voicing her thoughts. Over the past several years, her public fight with Karan has garnered media attention. It all started when Kangana criticised Karan for nepotism in season five of Koffee With Karan (KWK). The actor made fun of the filmmaker-host by referring to him as a flagbearer of nepotism.
In addition to Emergency, Kangana Ranaut’s next Lyca Productions film Chandramukhi 2 has generated excitement online. The comedy-horror film, which is being directed by P Vasu, will hit theatres on September 19. In the first look poster, Kangana Ranaut is depicted wearing a gorgeous emerald saree that is heavily embellished with metal. Chandramukhi, played by Ranaut, holds her own in a palace. Chandramukhi 2 will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.