Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade suffered a massive heart attack on December 14, 2023, after wrapping up the filming of his upcoming movie, Welcome To The Jungle. After hearing the shocking news, people took to social media to wish him a quick recovery.
The actor is currently recovering at home following a catastrophic heart collapse after being released from the hospital. He said in a recent interview that when he was brought to the hospital, he was clinically dead, and that it was a wonder he lived.
Shreyas Talpade expressed his deep gratitude to having survived the near-death experience in an interview. It was as if he had died, Talpade said. A major cardiac arrest occurred. It would be an understatement to call it a wake-up call, he continued, adding that this is his second chance at life.
The actor underwent angioplasty to implant a stent because both of his major arteries were blocked—one to a 100% blockage and the other to a 99.
The Iqbal actor added that he has been travelling around for his films and working nonstop for the last 2.5 years. He believed that his excessive fatigue over the past few months was due to his constant work schedule and mild exhaustion.
He claimed to have had blood tests, an ECG, a 2D echo, sonography, and other examinations performed on himself. Given his elevated cholesterol, he was under medication. He explained that because cardiac problems run in his family, he was taking extra care.
Shreyas Talpade recalled that he was filming Ahmed Khan’s Welcome To The Jungle at the SRPF grounds in Mumbai on December 14. They were shooting action scenes, and although the shoot went well, following the final shot, he began to have trouble breathing and his left hand began pain.
He remembered that he felt like he had a muscle strain, yet he could hardly walk. “I felt like I should go to the hospital right away as soon as I got in the car, but I decided to go home first. After my wife Deepti noticed me in that condition, we headed to the hospital in less than ten minutes,” he added.
Referring to this as a second chance at life, Shreyas expressed gratitude to all those who were instrumental in his survival and emphasised his wife’s timely intervention during the most critical of times. The actor is using his health scare as a teaching moment, reassessing his priorities, and enjoying the fleeting gift of life while he recovers at home.
Shreyas Talpade’s roles in films like Om Shanti Om, Iqbal, Dor, and the Golmaal series have made him popular. His next appearance will be in the third installment of the Welcome film series, the multi-starrer Welcome To The Jungle.