Bhishma Dwadashi is celebrated on the 12th day of Magha month during the Shukla Paksha. This time it will be celebrated tomorrow, February 13. Bhishma Dwadashi is also known as Magh Shukla Dwadashi. On this day, it is believed that the Pandavas performed Bhishma Pitamah’s last rites.
On Bhishma Dwadashi, devotees who have started the Ekadashi Vrata break their fast by performing puja to Lord Vishnu. During Bhishma Dwadashi, devotees recite the Vishnu Sahasranama stotram and do Vishnu puja.
Bhishma Dwadashi 2022: Date and Shubh Muhurat
This year, Bhishma Dwadashi will fall on February 13, 2022.
Starts at: 7:09 am on February 13
Ends at: 6:08 am on February 13
Shubh Muhurat: 9:11 am to 12:21 am on February 13 to 1:56 am to 3:32 am on February 13.
Bhishma Dwadashi 2022: Significance
According to belief, by observing the fast of Bhishma Dwadashi, a person’s wishes are granted, and he achieves growth, wealth, happiness, and prosperity in life. According to legend, the individual who donates for his ancestors on Bhishma Dwadashi makes his ancestors pleased for the rest of his life.
Dwadashi is the auspicious day for performing Tarpan and Pind Daan rituals. Pind Daan, Tarpan, Brahmin feast, and charity should be performed for the ancestors on this day. Your ancestors are pleased with this and bless you with happiness and prosperity.
The Bhishma Dwadashi fast is the ideal fast of the Magh month for the fulfillment of one’s wishes. This fast cleanses the sins committed unknowingly. By keeping this fast, one gains everlasting goodness and a place in heaven after death.
Bhishma Dwadashi 2022: Puja Vidhi
- Take a vow of fasting and worship Lord Vishnu after having a bath in the morning on Bhishma Dwadashi.
- While doing puja, offer banana leaves and fruits, panchamrit, betel nut, betel, sesame, molly, roli, kumkum, durva, and other items such as panchamrit, betel nut, betel, sesame, molly, roli, kumkum, and durva.
- After that, make prasad with milk, honey, bananas, Gangajal, tulsi dal, and other dry fruits and offer it to God.
- Worship other gods after that. After the worship, distribute the prasad among family members and take some for yourself. Food should be given to Brahmins and the poor.
- Bathing and donating on the day of Bhishma Dwadashi brings good fortune.
Bhishma Dwadashi 2022: History
Bhishma Pitamah fought with the Kauravas and against the Pandavas in the Mahabharata. He was an incredibly competent and unstoppable warrior. Bhishma was capable of winning the war on his own, but he recognized that he was fighting the war in the wrong direction, which is why he accepted defeat. Bhishma Pitamah had the boon of death. He left his body when the sun rose.
According to mythological beliefs, Bhishma Pitamah left his body on the Ashtami Tithi of the Magha month, following which the Pandavas performed tarpan and Pind Daan rites for Bhishma Pitamah’s soul’s peace on the Dwadashi day.