Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi has said that the Congress Party will think of scrapping reservations when India is a fair place, which is not the case right now. Gandhi made these remarks while talking to students at the prestigious Georgetown University in Washington DC, US.
In a post on X Gandhi said the caste census is now an unstoppable idea. “The critical question of whether 90% of our population is meaningfully represented in India’s institutional structure – economy, government, education – demands an answer,” he added.
“At its core, this is an issue of fairness and justice. Anything less than a comprehensive caste census, along with an economic and institutional survey is unacceptable,” he said.
“We will think of scrapping reservations when India is a fair place. And India is not a fair place,” Gandhi told students at the university here in response to a question on reservation and how long it would continue.
During his interaction with the students and faculty at the University, Gandhi said, “When you look at the financial numbers, then tribals get 10 paise out of 100 rupees; Dalits get 5 rupees out of 100 rupees, and OBCs get a similar number. The fact of the matter is that they’re not getting participation.”
“The problem is that 90 per cent of India is not able to play. Go through the list of every single business leader in India. I’ve done it. Show me the tribal name. Show me the Dalit name. Show me the OBC name. Out of the top 200, I think there’s one OBC. They’re 50 per cent of India. But we’re not treating the symptom, he said.
When asked about the Uniform Civil Code, Gandhi said he would comment on it only after he knows what is BJP’s proposal.
“BJP is proposing a uniform civil code. We haven’t seen it. We have no idea what they’re talking about. For us to comment on it doesn’t make sense. When they pull it out, then we’ll have a look and we’ll comment on it,” he said.
Gandhi also said members of the INDIA coalition had differences but agreed on a lot of things.