In a heartwarming and private ceremony, former Olympic javelin champion Neeraj Chopra has revealed his marriage to Himani Mor, a rising tennis star. The announcement came on Sunday via a social media post from Chopra himself, where he shared intimate moments from the wedding, held in Himachal Pradesh with just 40-50 close family and friends in attendance.
Neeraj, a two-time Olympic medallist, shared his gratitude on social media, stating, “Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.” His fans responded with warm wishes as the couple embarks on their new journey together. Neeraj also asked for support and blessings as they start this new chapter.
Who is Himani Mor?
Himani Mor, 25, hails from Sonipat, Haryana, and has made her name as a dedicated tennis player. She began her tennis journey at a young age and achieved notable success on both national and international stages. One of her major achievements includes winning a gold medal at the World Junior Tennis Championship in Malaysia in 2016. Her school, Little Angels School, laid the foundation for her love for sports.
Currently, Himani is pursuing a Master’s degree in Sports Management at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire, USA. She has a background in Political Science and Physical Education, having completed her undergraduate degree at Delhi’s prestigious Miranda House.
Her passion for tennis has not gone unnoticed in India. Mor has competed at national events, representing Delhi University, and participated in the 2017 World University Games in Taipei. According to the All India Tennis Association (AITA), her career best national rankings were 42 in singles and 27 in doubles in 2018. Additionally, she is also involved with Amherst College, Massachusetts, where she serves as an assistant coach for the women’s tennis team.
Family and privacy
The couple’s wedding has kept a low profile, with details only coming from Neeraj’s paternal uncle, Bhim Chopra, who lives in Khandra near Panipat. Bhim confirmed that the wedding took place in India, but the specific location was kept under wraps. He further mentioned that Neeraj and Himani are now on their honeymoon, although their travel destinations remain private.
While Neeraj’s sporting achievements have made him a household name globally, this marriage marks a new personal milestone for the Olympic champion. As fans continue to celebrate his success on the field, Neeraj and Himani’s new life together is already beginning to capture hearts.