As per Vedic Astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs. Each zodiac sign is ruled by one specific planet. It will be great for all of us if we plan our day according to astrological predictions. Here, stars have come to guide you for your future.
Check the astrological predictions for February 7, 2022:
You have experienced a great loss lately. Healing is in your cards Personal connections can be challenging, but they can also be rewarding. Make snap judgments and stand by those.
Lucky Number- 7, Lucky Colour- Purple
Since your head is overflowing with thoughts, turn to your heart for answers. You must avoid tension at this time or you risk developing a health concern.
Lucky Number- 2, Lucky Colour- Grey
You become increasingly focused on your goals and where you wish to go. You might be able to surprise someone by making an unconventional option. Continue on your current path, at least for the time being.
Lucky Number- 4, Lucky Colour- Green
You may be stressed or conflicted, making it difficult to make quick judgments. You can be afraid or oppressed, but you can overcome these sensations with mindfulness and meditation.
Lucky Number- 8, Lucky Colour- White
You have been doing really well on the professional sphere. Remember, sky is the limit. On the emotional aspect, you experienced a roller coaster ride recently. Now, it is time for some consistency.
Lucky Number- 1, Lucky Colour- Black
Break free from old habits and addictions that have become obsolete and even painful. Changes, closures, and new beginnings are all on the frontier.
Lucky Number- 5, Lucky Colour- Yellow
You are one of the most influential persons you will ever meet. Make an effort to gain a better understanding of oneself. There’s still someone worth interacting with when no one else is around: you.
Lucky Number- 9, Lucky Colour- Brown
You have been on a path of practical thought process lately, which is making it tough for you to control you emotions. However, results will the clearly visible to you soon.
Lucky Number- 8, Lucky Colour- Maroon
You, like many of your friends and acquaintances, are nearing the end of a period that may have been stressful, if not traumatic.
Lucky Number- 4, Lucky Colour- Saffron
For a change, focus on more worldly activities rather than the complexities of personal relationships and emotional entanglements. In case it’s of interest, your financial condition still has a lot of room for improvement.
Lucky Number- 6, Lucky Colour- Blue
Excellent creative influences suggest that you must bring a healthy dose of spontaneity to all your affairs, including work. It’s a positive time, not one to wallow in self-doubt.
Lucky Number- 6, Lucky Colour- Grey
Patience is a virtue that may be tested. You may feel frustrated, but because you have so much to do, you must wait until you obtain the appropriate advice before making any important decisions.
Lucky Number- 7, Lucky Colour- Green