The film has been directed by Shouryuv. The film also stars Angad Bedi, Shruti Haasan, Kiara Khanna and Jayaram. The film is scheduled to hit theatres...
The Bollywood actor appeared on Telugu star Nandamuri Balakrishna’s show to promote his film Animal.On the show Ranbir was discussing about Rasmika’s tattoo when he revealed...
In the 1.5 minute long trailer, Bajpayee as Dasru can be seen carrying his daughter while he visits his village which has changed from the last...
Katrina Kaif said it is an amazing feeling to have received so much love and warmth for over a decade. She said Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger...
He was giving an energetic performance when he suddenly slipped and fell down. Shahid quickly got up and continued with his performance. He later laughed and...
Karan wished Kartik a very Happy Birthday and said may their collaboration grow from strength to strength. He hoped their partnership may never cease to create...
The type action in King is very different from the type of action King Khan has done in Pathaan and Jawan. According to sources the action...
Comedian Vir Das expressed his excitement and joy saying that this moment is truly surreal and it is an incredible honour that feels like a dream....
The makers of Tiger 3 Yash Raj Films have suffered more than two bumps in its theatrical run. First it was affected by Laxmi Pujan and...
The Dhoom director reportedly experienced chest pain while he was out on a morning walk in Lokhandwala.