The leading role in Dream Girl 2 is played by Ayushmann Khurrana. In light of the movie's success, Ayushmann expressed his delight, remarking that delivering his...
The show is inspired by true events specifically the Burari deaths, the mass suicide of eleven members of a family from Burari.
She said, that day Farah called and informed her that all the posters had been taken down and that new ones had been placed up.
The Bigg Boss host was seen getting out of his car in Mumbai while being closely followed by his security, pulling off the bald appearance with...
He shot a commercial for the app in which he says in Hindi, Chalo Saath Khelein which translates as, let’s play together. Untouch Youth Foundation took...
On Sunday, the movie will make Rs. 25 crore. Chandigarh had the highest occupancy rate at 56.25%, while Surat had the lowest at 21.25%.
According to a Bollywood trade analyst, Dream Girl 2 has sold over 26,000 tickets on its opening day.
The actor was spotted in a yellow kurta coupled with a matching palazzo and dupatta.
Director Raaj Shaandilyaa, having introduced Pooja in Dream Girl (2019), reintroduces her with a more daring, unabashed, and courageous demeanour.
Gadar 2 is all set to be screened at the new Parliament building for the members for 3 days which is going to start today.