Recently, a seven-month-old infant in Bengaluru, Vijayandra, has been diagnosed with BENTA disease. This disease is extremely rare and serious. Worldwide, only 14 children have been...
Do you have blood pressure problems? If yes, then it is essential to take a healthy and balanced diet. So, here we are providing you with...
Are your children becoming obese day by day? Does your gaining weight of your child worry you a lot? Here's we are giving you some parental...
When smell receptors are very less and recovering person cannot pick a few components of the smell mixture is known as parosmia. It is caused during...
Are you suffering from Type 1 diabetes? If yes, then there is good news to control insulin levels in your body. New research has found that...
Are you struggling hard with your child's height? Do you have tried out every medication but are unable to make them taller? If yes, then it...
Are you struggling hard with your immunity power due to Covid-19 or Omicron? Do you feel tired all day long? If yes, then we are providing...
Are you facing neck issues regularly? Do you usually find your neck stiff in the morning? Are you looking for some solution to relax your neck...
Due to the continuous surge in Covid-19 cases, most of us are caught with this infection. Due to this infection, you might face many side effects....
Vitamin D deficiency is quite common these days. Due to our inactive lifestyle, we are facing Vitamin D deficiencies in our bodies. For that, we take...