Patel took to social media platform X and said contrary to speculative media reports suggesting that Shri Ajit Pawar is not attending public events, he would...
World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated on October 20. This day holds great importance as osteoporosis stands as an important global health issue. On this day individuals...
Some eye conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma have a genetic component. It helps in understanding the family history of an individual. This helps the...
The inception of National Fresh Breath Day originated from the intention of fostering oral hygiene awareness, preventing the embarrassment of malodorous breath.
The day is celebrated to raise awareness around the deadly disease and encourage research related to the disease to break the stigma around it.
In the last two weeks, there has been a significant rise in H3N2 cases in the outpatient department, according to Dr. Mihir Shah, an internal medicine...
The world observes World Hepatitis Day every year on July 28th to raise awareness about hepatitis.
Medical experts attribute the majority of these cases to viral conjunctivitis caused by the adenovirus, which appears to affect children more than adults.
The active cases in the country comprise 0.08 percent of the total infections.
A few days ago, Mandaviya said that ICU beds, oxygen supply, and other critical care arrangements are in place, adding that there's a weekly review of...